Myths, Legends and Peruvian Stories (Mitos, Leyendas y Cuentos Peruanos)
Selections and Notes by José María Arguedas and Francisco Izquierdo Ríos
Costa – Leyenda (Coast – Myth)
011. The Enchanted Lagoon (La Laguna Encantada)
Collected in Cañete, Province of the Department of Lima, by Enriqueta Alfaro F., a fourth-year student at the “Miguel Grau” National School of Magdalena Nueva, Lima.
No one knows where in Cañete is a small lagoon whose water is very hot and in which no one could take a bath, because a strange animal appears in the middle of the lagoon and begins to spin around forming foams (e.g. bubbles), from which one can hear, as if in the distance, the rhythm of a war march.
This lagoon is surrounded by hills, and is only found by chance. According to legend, the water changes color and many shepherds who had encountered this lagoon had not been able to see it a second time, because when they arrived at the [same] location it had already disappeared. The same person can only see it once.
Dar vueltas – (to move in circles) to go round, to turn, to spin, to revolve, to rotate, to go round and round, to toss and turn (in bed), to circle; (to go from one place to another)
Espuma – (bubbles) foam, lather (of soap), head (of beer), froth (of beer), surf (of sea), scum (of a broth); (hair product) mousse; (soft material) foam, foam rubber; (fabric) (Spain) stretch nylon
Acorde – (pursuant to) in accordance with, in compliance with, in keeping with; (suitable) appropriate to, in keeping with; (holding the same views) in agreement, agreed; (consonant) harmonious; (music) chord
Casualidad – (fortuity) chance, coincidence