Histories of Witches – Historias de Brujos
From Cuentos Populares en Chile (Chilean Folktales) – by Ramón A. Laval
Part 2 – Myths, Traditions, Things (Mitos, Tradiciones, Casos)
059. The Mule Cave, or The Cave of the Inconsiderates (La Cueva de la Mula)
On a hill which rises on the south side of Tinguiririca, in the district of San Fernando, from which the road out of Calabozo skirted through, there is a cave of Salamanca which has, at its entrance, a large rock on which a mule’s leg is imprinted. To enter this cave one must bring along several people as companions, who can take for themselves whatever they want from a treasure [chest] that lies at its center; however, to leave, they have to lock up one among those who entered.
Mula – (drug smuggler) drug mule, mule; (thoughtless person) inconsiderate
Estampada – (imprinted) printed, print; (act of impressing) printing, stamping, embossing (with raised pattern); (design, imprint) pattern, print
Encerrado – (confined) shut in; shut up; shut away; (jailed) locked up; (trapped) locked in, enclosed