Myths, Legends and Peruvian Stories (Mitos, Leyendas y Cuentos Peruanos)
Selections and Notes by José María Arguedas and Francisco Izquierdo Ríos
Costa – Leyenda (Coast – Myth)
005. The Old Man and Old Woman’s Hill (El Cerro De La Vieja Y El Viejo)
Collected in Lambayeque, Province of the Department of the same name, by Hilda Merea Canelo, a third year high school student at the National School “Miguel Grau” of Magdalena Nueva, Lima.
The forefathers tell this legend of the Old Man and Old Woman’s Hill which is found midway on the road from Lambayeque to Motupe.
They say that an old couple lived on this hill; and one day Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared before them in person, and as he was thirsty, he asked them to give him water; and the old couple refused; and then Our Lord Jesus Christ, as punishment, turned them into hills. And they say that each year a rock falls off from those hills and that this is how they moan for their fate.
Antepasado – (relative) ancestor, forebear; forefather; (foregone) before last, previous
Carretera – (transport) road, highway
Negar – (to refute) to deny; (to withhold something) to refuse, to deny; (to reject) to disown
Castigo – (sanction) punishment, penalty; (damage) punishment; (burden) pain
Quejido – moan, groan, cry, whine