Myths, Legends and Peruvian Stories (Mitos, Leyendas y Cuentos Peruanos)
Selections and Notes by José María Arguedas and Francisco Izquierdo Ríos
Costa – Leyenda (Coast – Myth)
013. The Evil Bird (El Pájaro Malo)
Collected in Cañete, Province of the Department of Lima, by Celinda Sánchez, a fourth-year high school student at “Miguel Grau” National School in Magdalena Nueva, Lima.
Just as in ancient times, the inhabitants of this place (especially those [living] on the chacras – small farms) believed in the superstition of the Evil Bird (Pájaro Malo).
They say that it announces the [coming] death of an individual by singing on the roof of the house of the person who is going to die.
And that is why they called it the Evil Bird. This bird has a terrible appearance: black plumage, big and bulging eyes, which strikes fear [in the heart of those] who see it. It rarely ventures into populated areas and instead chooses to live in the countryside, generally in the most beautiful trees and almost hidden among the leaves.
Igual que – like, just like, the same as
Sobre todo – above all
Chacra – (agriculture) (South America) farm, small farm; (religious) chakra
Denominar – (to name) to refer to, to call, to designate
Denominarse – (to be named) to be called
Plumaje – (bird feathers) plumage; (decoration feathers) plume, crest
Saltón – (prominent) bulging (eyes), protruding (teeth); (mistrustful) wary