當務之急 (Dāng wù zhī jí) (1) a top priority job (2) matter of vital importance [Note to Nguyen and general readers: check 7A.46 on page 136/185 of translation from https://www.ronliskey.com/docs/mengzi.pdf] Story: Once, a student of Mengzi asked what he should know and do first, given the many things he had to know and work on…
Author: nlt
004. The Seven White Rabbits
004. The Seven White Rabbits (Los Siete Conejos Blancos) A king had a very beautiful daughter whom he loved with all his heart. His wife, the queen, had brought the princess up with much love and attention, and had taught her to sew and embroider exquisitely, so that the princess greatly enjoyed doing all kinds…
SUP – 2022/07/10 – Oakland Estuary, Jack London Aquatic Center, Oakland CA
A friend of mine and his wife visited me in Berkeley on Saturday, so I had to delay this paddle until the next day. Sunday is usually my sleep-in day, so getting up for this paddle was definitely a Herculean task. I originally wanted to be up by 6:30am and be out of the house…
Dà yì miè qīn (大義滅親 – 大义灭亲)
大義滅親 (Dà yì miè qīn): to place righteousness before family (idiom); ready to punish one’s own family if justice demands it. From https://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/bookView.jsp?ID=176 Story: According to “Zuozhuan – Duke Yin’s 4th Year”, Zhou Yu (州吁) was the son of Duke Zhuang (莊公) and his favorite concubine from the State of Wey in the Spring and…
SUP – 2022/07/04 – Tenaya Lake, Yosemite NP, CA
Pre-paddle warm up at Yosemite Lake, Merced CA (07/02/2022) As my cousin and a couple of their kids had never tried standup paddle before, we decided to have a practice run at the local Yosemite Lake next to the UC Merced campus. The lake is a 10-minute drive from their house, and is a popular…
003. The Gift
003. The Gift (El Aguinaldo) These were some very, very poor children who, on the eve of Epiphany, were walking through a mountain, and as it was winter, night soon fell upon them, but the poor children kept on walking. Then they met a lady who said to them: Where are you going so late…
Dà qì wǎn chéng (大器晚成 – 大器晚成)
大器晚成 (Dà qì wǎn chéng) (1) lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom); fig. a great talent matures slowly (2) in the fullness of time a major figure will develop into a pillar of the state (3) Rome wasn’t built in a day From https://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/bookView.jsp?ID=156 The phrase “Great Talent Matures…
002. The Bogeyman
002. The Bogeyman (El Hombre Del Saco) There was a married couple who had three daughters, and as all three were well-behaved and hardworking, they gave each of them a gold ring to wear as a garment [ornament]. And one fine day, the three sisters got together with their friends and, thinking about what to…
Dà nì bù dào (大逆不道 – 大逆不道)
大逆不道 (Dà nì bù dào) – Disgraceful (of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave breach of the norms of society) Source: “The Records of The Grand Historian – The Annals of Gaozu“: Today Xiang Yu killed Emperor Yi at Jiangnan; a most contemptible (disgraceful) act. Explanation: “逆” (pinyin: nì) means to rebel,…
001. The Mass For The Souls
001. The Mass For The Souls (La Misa De Las Ánimas) There were a father and a mother, and they were both very poor and had three small children. But it happened that, besides being very poor, the father had to stop working one day because he got sick, and only the mother was left…